Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Final game

I just realized that I have not posted a recap of the final game of the season. It was great soccer weather to take on the Femmes. We played on the Catholic Univ. turf field and made great use of a nice field.

I really feel this was our best game of the season. Although we were missing a few key folks we mixed up the line up a bit and really took it to them. I have never seen the ball spend so much time at the other end of the field. Our forwards really came together and made more shots on goal in this one game then I think we have seen all season. The mid fielders provided great support and really opened the field up. Defense was strong and the goals they scored were really quite amazing shots.

Afterwards one of our opponents came up to me and said how much they thought we had improved, that none of their team can believe it is only our second season together and how they know to watch out for us in the Fall.

Now if we can just get some fancy uniforms like they have then I think we can make a run for at least a .500 season!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Scrimmage Sat 6/30

this Saturday (6/30) will be same time (10:30 am) at Four Corners Park in Silver spring.

Parking is on Southwood ave. You have to walk a little thru the woods to get to the open space. I'll drive by the field later this week for a final check on if the field is playable. Nearest metro is forest glen - but a bit of a hike.

Leave a comment if you are interested!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Short recap just to have one

Not that this is news to anyone on a Friday before our last game but I did want to quickly recap a loss from last Saturday against the Furs. From what I have heard it was a tight game, they had a very strong sweeper and we went down fighting 1-0.

More Summer Soccer Fun

So Monica did a great job rounding up all the opportunities to keep playing soccer over the summer. I posted them all here with some extra info.

1) Last game is Saturday June 16th at Catholic University's turf field.

2) Sheila sent around a note about Monday night pick up game with some of her work colleagues and friends. They play at at 6:30 p.m. in Stead Park on P between 16th and 17th streets NW. It's a good idea to bring a ball because it's hard to know who will show up from week to week. This is a low key, co-ed pick up game. Be in touch with her directly if you want to know more.

3) There are still slots for players to play with another team in the Freedom Cup on July 14th. Contact Monica if you want to know more.

4) On July 28th is the Hoy Keg Cup. Monica will be gone but we really should think about putting together a team to play in this. We have until July 2nd to decide. For more on the cup go to

5) We will try and scrimmage over the summer likely on Saturdays around 10:30am. This is a great chance to work on our team work, passing, dribbling and just overall take our games up a notch. One sure fire way to avoid another winless season! Monica will send out announcements about these from week to week.

6) Saturday, June 30th will be the first Saturday scrimmage affectionately called the Parkway Deli scrimmage at a field near the Deli. If enough folks are interested the scrimmage would be at 10:30 followed by lunch at the Deli.

7) And last but not least another season of Indoor in Fairfax at the Fairfax sportsplex. This has been great fun, built team cohesion and helped us get into better shape. Games are on Sundays starting in the late afternoon to evening. Talk to Amanda if you are interested.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Could we win just one game?

Ok so I know we are playing for fun, making new friends, enjoying some great exercise but it would be really great to win from time to time as well. We are overdue!

So no we did not win on Saturday. The field was awesome, we had the first game which meant we did not get heat stroke and we put together a great forward configuration that spent 80% of their time in front of the Smash goal. We lost 3-0 but it was not for lack of trying or for lack of shots on their goal. We just could not quite get the ball into the back of the net.

No worries though because we are really coming together as a team, folks are getting more comfortable in their positions, we are all getting into better shape. A win cannot be far off.

Just a reminder...when we play on turf it can be more comfortable to play in regular sports shoes and not cleats. I felt like I was standing on burning rubber at times.

Next early morning at Lincoln Field against the Furs.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Game time change for 6/9